We're confident you'll be impressed with the high quality content we'll be sending every month. However, if for any reason you’re not fully satisfied in the first sixty days, we will refund your entire transaction, with no questions asked.
It’s a no-risk way to benefit from the great rewards possible with a value-packed monthly newsletter!!

Q Do your newsletters consist of exclusively original content?
A Yes. Easy Email Solutions is a creative email marketing company, and we research and create the
copy for our newsletters from scratch. Your newsletter template also exclusively belongs to Easy Email Solutions – you won’t see it anywhere else.
Q Why should I choose your company?
A Easy Email Solutions is a specialized email marketing company. We have advised and created email advertising for many clients across a wide variety of industries. When you purchase our newsletter, you’re getting our vast experience in email marketing best practices. Click here to read more about Easy Email Solutions.
Q When will my first newsletter arrive?
A We will get you set up with the service immediately upon receiving your payment, and your first newsletter will arrive on (or before) the first of the month.
Q Do you send the emails as well?
A We do not currently send the emails. We know that most realtors have existing relationships with email marketing companies. Their main struggle is creating content, and that’s where we come in.

Our solution allows realtors to have a newsletter sent from their existing solution in moments!
Q How do I import your newsletter into my email marketing program?
A We will send you an email with a URL to your newsletter each month.  Importing this email varies a bit from program to program - some programs allow you to create an email right from a URL (like iContact), while others will require you to copy and paste the HTML code. 

To copy and paste the code, simply click on the link to the newsletter we provide in our email to you.  When you have opened the email in your browser, select "view source".  This will bring up the source code of your email.  Simply "select all", then "copy" the code. 

Your email marketing program will likely have a "use your own HTML code" selection when creating a new email.  Choose that option, and then paste the HTML you have copied from your browser.

Five quick clicks, and you're all set!

If you have any specific questions about your email marketing program, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at: support@easyemailsolutions.com
Q Can I put listings in this email?  Is it customizable?
A We provide the base email to you each month, and if you want to edit it beyond what we provide, you certainly can, as it's in simple HTML.  If you're looking to add listings every month, we'd be happy to include an area for it in your template.  When we sent your email to you, you would simply have to update the listings yourself, before sending it out.

For more information on this, please email us at: info@easyemailsolutions.com