We're confident you'll be impressed with the high quality content we'll be sending every month. However, if for any reason you’re not fully satisfied in the first sixty days, we will refund your entire transaction, with no questions asked.
It’s a no-risk way to benefit from the great rewards possible with a value-packed monthly newsletter! |
Email Marketing companies (like Constant Contact and iContact) are inexpensive, but who has time to create what really matters in an effective newsletter – THE CONTENT?
That’s where we come in – we will create a valuable, “ready to go” email newsletter for you EACH MONTH. The newsletter will have your name and contact information, and will be packed with valuable Canadian content on the real estate market.
And - even better - each newsletter is COMPLETELY CUSTOMIZED to your company (at no additional cost). That means it contains:
- Your name
- Your contact information
- Even your picture!
Take a look at our original, completely customized newsletter:
We offer two options – our personalized newsletter, with your name, contact information, and image on our graphic template, or (at a small, one-time additional charge) a completely original header graphic.
for a sample of our standard personalized newsletter. |
How it Works:
Newsletter arrives in your mailbox on the first of the month,
customized to your company and packed with content. Click here to see a sample. |
You copy and paste the HTML code into your email- marketing program. You can also make any changes you’d like to the copy at this stage. |
Press send – and start reaping the rewards! |
Why you need a valuable Canadian residential real estate newsletter sent monthly:
When it comes to real estate, you want to remind your clients that you’re an expert looking to give them the best possible advice. A monthly newsletter shows your customers that you’re dedicated to helping them. |
Whether you’re working on your first real estate deal with your client, or keeping front-of-mind for their second or a referral, sending a monthly newsletter is a great way to keep a positive image of yourself in the mind of your client – the place you want to be when it comes time for a realtor! |
Much of a realtor’s business comes from word of mouth, and a newsletter can be a great way to drive your customers into referring your services, as you’ll always be top-of-mind with them. |
When you’ve proven yourself to be valuable to your customers, even after they’ve purchased a home with you, they’ll be more inclined to refer you to their friends and family. |
In short, if you show you’re dedicated to providing your clients with value, they’ll repay you with referrals!
Two Ways to Proceed With Your Newsletter:
We offer two options – our personalized newsletter, with your name and contact information on our graphic template, or (at a small, one-time additional charge) a completely original header graphic.
Ready to make your order? You can proceed by purchasing a monthly subscription (charged at the first of the month), or save 15% with a year-long subscription (best value!).